Thursday, May 28, 2020



Learning experiences outside the classroom are forms of experiential learning (Dewey, 1897). These experiences are rooted in the simple principle that “experience is the best teacher.” Under this framework, learning outside the classroom is an active process, wherein students encounter authentic problems, construct novel hypotheses, test for real solutions, and interact with others to make sense of the world around them. When we do this, we encounter the world as a whole and are forced to engage multiple modalities, no matter which pairs of disciplinary “lenses” we intended to wear. Because experiential learning is inherently interdisciplinary, scientists and humanists alike would do well to consider the ways in which other disciplines might enrich their disciplinary approach to their field

From the Ghanaian perspective teaching and learning mostly takes place in the classroom where clear cut introductions are given to the child. Most Ghanaian teachers, parents and student has no idea how  to communicate with each other to improve teaching and learning outside the classroom . This COVID-19 pandemic has brought to bare the need to incorporate technology in education in Ghana. Most unfortunately Ghanaian students at large will not benefit even if technology is made free due to poor network connections in Ghana. Research has shown that most of the developed countries were able to achieve higher heights in their education as a result of the ability for teachers to communicate with students outside the school. 

Some technological means to communicate with students outside the classroom are as follows:


One of the easiest ways to establish a channel of communication with students and parents are through messaging. This means will offer teachers opportunity to send quick assignments to students and even give the parents the chance to monitor student performance. Educators can quickly send messages share information, images and more. This set up communication between students and you or with parents.
  Messages, share files and images, provide live feedback and more. I have found that by simply using a messaging tool, it can also be a way to a meet other classroom needs of such as collaboration and creation. 

A class website or LMS

By creating or setting up a digital learning space through a website or an LMS, you can share resources, post assignments, celebrate student success and classroom events, and be available for student questions anytime.
The information can be updated regularly and you can include a way for parents to contact you or for students to get help when they need. It can be a collaborative learning space where both teachers and students can collaborate , a Google site or even though Wikispaces. These websites can be used to communicate with parents and students. It's an advance way of learning outside the classroom wall. This also even give students the opportunity to work without any pressure. But care must be taken in other for students not to abuse such opportunity. 


 Setting up your own blog site for classroom use would be a good way to share updates in the form of blog posts, with students and families. By sharing the link to your blog, students and parents can sign up for the update notifications and stay informed throughout the year.
It could also be a way to include samples of student work, photos of class events, resources for class and more. It can be used in addition to a class website where you create spaces for storing all class information, a calendar, contact information and more. Sharing daily updates and news through a blog can be another quick way to open up the channels of communication with students and families.  
These are just a few ideas for opening up communication with your students and parents, however, each of these options are good for many other uses such as assessments, collaboration, projects and more. If you want to find new ways to use some digital tools in your classroom, try asking the students. They have some creative ideas and will feel valued in your classroom and have a more meaningful learning experience.

I am of the firm believe that inculcating technology in our education can help teachers to communicate with students outside the classroom.